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"Ecoalf was born in 2009, both the name and concept of the brand came after the birth of my two sons: Alfredo and Alvaro. I wanted to create a truly sustainable fashion brand and I believed the most sustainable thing to do was to stop using natural resources in a careless way to ensure those of the next generation. Recycling could be a solution if we were able to make a new generation of recycled products with the same quality and design as the best non recycled.

10 Years after, our mission and vision remains intact, if possible with more strength and clarity than ever. Our planet is shaking and we need to act. It is time to take responsibility.

We believe we have a mission that goes beyond just business. Fashion is one of the largest consumer goods industry in the world and the second most pollutant. I believe the time when fashion was just about looking good is over.

More than ever it has to be about doing what is right and feeling good about it. We have a chance and a responsibility to rethink the business model we want for the future. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality. We would like to share our reflections & the measures we have decided to commit to with more conviction, if possible than ever. Let's all be part of the solution and work together for a planet beyond next season".

Love and affection,
Javier Goyeneche

President, Founder

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